Das interaktive Tech-Event, das verbindet!

Der TechRiders Summit vernetzt Aussteller, Teilnehmer und Speaker gezielt in interaktiven Formaten – für nachhaltige Verbindungen, echten Wissenstransfer und messbare Erfolge.


Konferenz, Expo & Festival vereint: Inspirierende Inhalte, Live-Demos und ein einzigartiger Festival-Vibe machen den Summit zum unvergesslichen Erlebnis.

Innovative Technologien im Einsatz: Wir leben Innovation! Mit KI-gestützten Panel-Diskussionen und interaktiven Formaten setzen wir neue Standards.

Messbare Erfolge für alle Beteiligten: Ob Branding, Wissenstransfer oder Geschäftsanbahnung – der Summit ist der Katalysator für nachhaltiges Wachstum.

Köln, 03. Juli 2025

The Summer Festival for the IT-Community

“At the TechRiders Summit, Festival and Expo, digital thought leaders, data experts and cyber pioneers come together to drive innovation, build networks and shape the future of technology. Be part of this unique experience.”


Ulrich Ahle


Max Schrems


Harald Joos


Prof. Wolfgang Prinz

stellv. Institutsleiter

Dr. Oliver Mauss

Ex CEO von netgo, plusserver 1&1/Ionos

Prof. Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker


Inna Claus


Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Walter Borries

Stellvertretender Vorsitzender BSKI

Gregor Schumacher


Thomas Haida

Customer Happiness Officer – Microsoft

Valentina Kerst

Senior Partner Managerin & Co-Autorin

Ingo Mommertz

VP Omnichanel IT – Deichmann

Yves Sandfort

CEO – comdivision consulting GmbH

Hans Pezold

CIO – Uniper

Prof. Dr. Dieter Frey

Partner bei FREY Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft

Dr. Daniel Stadler

Geschäftsführer EIN Quantum NRW & Leiter Technologie und Innovation NMWP.

Topic Clusters

Shaping the future: technology as a competitive advantage

„How can companies use innovative technologies to develop new business models and compete in a dynamic market environment?“

Focus: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Autonomous Al, Quantencomputing,
Metaverse, CI/CD.

Security and sovereignty for business-critical applications

„How can IT infrastructures be made resilient to minimize risks and ensure business continuity?“

Focus: Cybersecurity, data protection, governance, compliance, business continuity, KRITIS/NIS2.

IT excellence for measurable business success

„How can companies increase efficiency and free up resources through automation, cloud solutions and optimized infrastructures?“

Focus: Cloud, containerization, automation, IT cost reduction, DevOps, managed services.

Advisory Board

Alex Dickmann

KI Verband & AI Village

Prof. Wolfgang Prinz

Frauenhofer FIT

Harald A. Summa

Internet-Pionier & Multi-Aufsichtsrat

Dr. Oliver Mauss

Ex CEO von netgo, plusserver, 1&1/Ionos

Jani Nakos

BSKI Verband

Michael Frenzel

ProjektLeiter Digital. WFG Rhein-Erft

Harald Joos

GovTech Campus Cloud-Reallabor

Roland Broch

eco Verband der Internetwirtschaft

Dr. Nils Kaufmann


Judith Hoffmann


Christian Gericke

d.velop AG & Vorstand BITMI

Niko Bender

privacy provided

Ulrich Ahle


Marc Westerhove

TechRiders Summit

The TechRiders Summit is aimed at:

CIOs and IT managers:

Managers who are responsible for strategic direction and efficient IT structures.


Specialists responsible for protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

CISOs and IT security experts:
Professionals responsible for implementing and managing IT infrastructures and security solutions.
CDOs, innovation managers and developers:

Managers who are involved in the implementation of new technologies.

Secure your booth and speaker slot!

What makes the event special?

Inspiring lectures:

Leading experts and thought leaders share their insights on IT efficiency, resilience and technological innovations. They provide practical recommendations on how companies can make their infrastructures future-proof and efficient.


The event offers numerous opportunities to exchange ideas with industry leaders and experts in order to forge valuable partnerships.

Interactive workshops and panels:

Participants have the opportunity to delve deep into topics such as cloud-native architectures, DevOps, cybersecurity and digital transformation.


Technology providers, start-ups and consultants present their latest solutions in the areas of cloud, security, blockchain and infrastructure management.


Become a Partner now!

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